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Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Christian Sex : Man Status : Unknown Birthday : Unknown Area : Toulouse 31400 |
A few words |
J'aime la simplicité , l'écoute sans jugement
J'affectionne les repas entre pote
Languages I speak FrenchI speak English | Daily life Generous - AltruisticFamily - Children | Lifestyle / Ideology Ecology - BioMotorcycle |
Technology I have a smartphone | I like a culture/food FrenchArab Asian - Indian Portuguese Italian | Sports HikingDiving Volleyball - Basketball Water sports Sliding sports |
Physical Activities StrollRock dancing Swimming | Arts and Crafts Painting - Drawing | Cultural Activities Museums - ExhibitionsTheater Art Literature - Books Cinema Music Jazzy |
Thinking History - ArchaeologyPersonal development Yoga - Meditation | Cooking / Eating BrunchsI enjoy coffee I enjoy tea I enjoy wine I enjoy beer | Entertainment / Info Boats |
Nature / Outdoors OutdoorsSea - Beach Mountain Rapids Gardening - Plants Zoo - Wildlife parks | Special Events BirthdayParty Concert - Festival Aperitif Conference - Debate | Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endCamping Travel with a backpack Castles - Monuments |